Police Chief Enea Hempelmann Speaking to Broomfield Rotary
Thursday night, our club visited the Broomfield PD headquarters. Despite a long day responding to an active shooter incident, Chief Hempelmann still met with our group. After dinner, the Chief reported that the crime rates in Broomfield have declined over the past year citing percentages for several types of crimes. The Chief also mentioned the need to grow the department, both in personnel and physical space. She highlighted the need for a new building since they are at capacity in the current facility. Finally, she fielded several questions from members related to officer recruitment, personnel pay, gang activity, and use of GPS devices.
The department continues with their many community engagement outreach efforts & we can all be proud to have Chief Hempelmann as an honorary member of our club.
Michael Gordon
People of Action
Broomfield Rotary Club members are making a significant impact this month. Our presence at various locations and events highlights our commitment to serving the community through volunteer work and fundraising activities.
Rotary Members have been seen or will be seen at:
Senior Resources Golf Tournament,
Imagination library Booth at the Wonderland Brewery Putt Putt Golf Tournament.
Imagination Library tent at Broomfield Days.
Rotary tent with the car show at Broomfield Days.
Senior on the Sidewalk at Broomfield Days.
Imagination Library tent at the Lutheran Church of Hope's Oktober Fest.
Congratulation to all of you! As a club, we are proud to be People of Action who work together to change lives in Broomfield and around the world.