We had a great meeting last week! Our presenter was Kibbe McGaa Brown, who has quite the family history. For a recap, check out our club news page:
For more on Kibbe, follow this link:
We also had two fantastic guests and may have another this week! Speaking of this week, our presenter will be Bruce Stahlman, speaking on the subject of “Resilience and Optimism”. Thanks again to Bob Erichsen for arranging for our presentation.
I’d also like to pass along this message from Linda Deland about Tom…
Rotary friends of Tom Deland. The cemetery burial for Tom was a private service but I recognize many of you would like to visit him. He would love you stopping by for a visit/chat!
Tom is buried in the Louisville Cemetery (2105 Empire Rd., Louisville). His plot is between Block 32 and 31. He’s right off the car path to the right as you’re headed west. I do have a temporary plaque with his picture and a wind chime on his plot so you will easily find him.
Thanks everyone for visiting Tommy!