Phillip Sutton

Thursday night's speaker was Philip Sutton, the owner of Assisting Hands in Broomfield.

Philip and his wife Vanessa founded Assisting Hands Broomfield in 2021 after facing challenges in finding suitable care for Vanessa’s grandmother. Philip shared that the mission of Assisting Hands is to empower clients to achieve their maximum potential for independence. To support this goal, Philip and his team ensure that clients are aware of the many resources available to them.

Many of the topics Philip discussed are covered in the book “Thriving at Home,” authored by his wife Vanessa. These topics include keeping the home safe for older residents, preparing for hospital visits, and transitioning back home after a hospital stay.

Philip concluded the meeting with additional information about Assisting Hands.

Click to listen to the full podcast.


  • Passing of former member Dennis Thode
    • PP Larry Hass informed the club of the passing of former member Dennis Thode. A memorial service will be held on Friday 10/25 at 11am at the Broomfield United Methodist Church.
  • Quarterly dues
    • Treasurer Greg Strong informed members that their quarterly dues statements will arrive soon.
  • Broomfield Rotary Charitable Foundation
    • Foundation President Ben Vagher presented a BRCF grant of $5,000 to Jack Castellano of the Boy Scouts to help with Scouting activities in the Broomfield area.
  • Family of Rotary coffee event
    • A new event to engage the spouses, partners, friends, kids of our members. Join Amanda Gordon on Monday October 28 from 9-10am at Precious Perks Café inside the Precious Child building. Please RSVP to Amanda at (702) 353-0935.
  • World Polio Day 
    • As Rotary International's corporate goal, let's all continue to raise awareness to eradicate polio. World Polio Day on 10/24 is the perfect time to do this.
  • WASH
  • Bingo
    • Bingo will start on October 6 in Longmont. Contact PP Ben if you are able to volunteer.
  • Bal Swan
    • PE Redd Upton informed the club of a new monthly service activity at Bal Swan. Please contact PE Redd for more information.
    • Next Thursday, we'll tour the Broomfield Election Center
    • We'll meet at 6pm at George DiCiero building
Member Birthdays
Bill Duggan
October 1
Sara Line Frisk
October 5
Robert Balzano
October 11
Vance Rasmussen
October 31