Holiday Party at the Broadlands 

The holiday season was in full swing as we walked into the Broadlands Golf Club Thursday night.  Not only was President Michael Gordon on hand to greet us, but he did it in a bright, green, suit decked out in lights. Once our eyes adjusted, Justin Schierkolk’s wife, Sarah, stood us on an X and took our pictures in our holiday finery.
The tables were set for 4 and 8 people not for mingling, but for teamwork.  A murder was going to take place and each table team had to solve the mystery of who was the murderer.  Amongst the Rotarians and guests roamed a maid, a butler, a detective and a rather pompous, bathrobed film producer.  The suspects were unsuspectingly tagged and given a notebook to guide them through their part that evening. 
After drinks and a buffet dinner Miss Prissy Peacock was found dead and the investigation was afoot.  We milled around questioning suspects trying to find who had motive and opportunity.  After dessert and some discussion with our teams, theories were coming together. 
And then – another murder!  Kurt Sava Mr. Greenspan, the financier, was poisoned.    More investigation and then Sir Warren Peace, the producer, was killed in a strange twist of changed identities.  (Don’t try to figure it out, many of us were confused.)
Each team submitted their investigative report proving who they believed killed all three people.  The winning team interestingly had our Rotary District guest, Rebecca Jefares, as well as Redd and his wife, Elizabeth and Greg and Rebecca Tuccio, they figured out motive, opportunity and the murderer.
It was great fun, lots of chatting and whispering and odd accusations that are not found at the usual Rotary meeting.  Oh, who did it?    The young starlet, of course, Dennis Kennedy’s wife, Linda, who was hauled off in handcuffs.

Wreaths Across America 

On Saturday, December 14, 2024, our club participated in the annual Wreaths Across America program. The purpose of this ceremony is to remember all who served, honoring their sacrifices, and teaching our younger generations about the high cost of our freedoms.
Six specially designed ceremonial wreaths for the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and POW/MIA were presented today at the Broomfield County Commons Cemetery. The Front Range chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution helped with financial support for this project.
Site Coordinator: PP Kurt Sava
Master of Ceremony: Mayor Guyleen Castriotta
Taps Performed by Kristin Rousom
Color Guard Personnel by Broomfield Police and North Metro Fire District.

Are You Still Considering Year End Donations?

As you think about your final donations this year consider the importance of Broomfield Rotary in our community and the world, please consider a year-end charitable donation to our own Broomfield Rotary Charitable Foundation.
To sweeten your options, the club board has approved the use of RI foundation points as recognition to any member who donates $1,000 by 12/31/24.
Here is what you need to do:
Write a check to “The Rotary Foundation” for $500. Give it to the President or Treasurer before 12/31/24. Choose which fund you wish to support: Annual Fund, PolioPlus etc.
Write a check to “Broomfield Rotary Charitable Foundation” for $500. Give it to the President or Treasurer before 12/31/24. Choose which fund you wish to support: Police & Fire, Endowment, Imagination Library etc.
The club will then match your $500 RI Foundation donation with 500 foundation points, moving you up to the next Paul Harris level.
So, for a $1,000 donation, you get $1,500 value!

Upcoming social events in 2025:

Family of Rotary coffee event
Quarterly meeting to engage the spouses, partners, friends, kids of our members. Join Amanda Gordon on Monday January 27 from 9-10am at Barn Door Coffee inside the Discovery Church building at 2605 W 144th Avenue. Please RSVP to Amanda at (702) 353-0935.
Sweetheart’s meeting
Bring your sweetheart to our Rotary meeting on February 13 to hear an address by Broomfield Mayor Guyleen Castriotta.
Club Assembly and Oustillation
The 2024-25 Board of Directors will provide an update about what was done during the Rotary year and how your club made a difference! Come help celebrate the 2024-25 Board of Directors and welcome President Dennis Kennedy and the 2025-26 Board of Directors!

Final Service Projects of 2024

Santa Cops distribution
The distribution of the Santa Cops toys will be on December 17-19 from 4-7pm at the Broomfield PD. Please reach out to Officer Bridget Norton ( if you would like to volunteer.
SRB service project
This year, we will again assist Senior Resources of Broomfield (SRB) in delivering Christmas gifts to needy seniors in our community. The delivery days/times are Sunday 12/15 from 3-5pm and Monday 12/16 from 3-5pm. Meet at the Presbyterian Church of Broomfield (350 Main Street)

Service Projects in 2025

Bingo Every Sunday:  There will always be opportunities to fill in for the existing Bingo volunteer list.  Let PP Ben Vagher know that you are available if you are not already on the list.  11:00 a.m. @ the Longmont Bingo Alley, 640 19th Ave, Longmont, CO 80501.

FISH:  Rotary members help to sort food donations at FISH the first Wednesday of every month.  9:00 a.m. - 11:00 am. 6 Garden Ctr, Broomfield, CO 80020. See PP Gary Francis for more information.

Imagination Library:  We will continue to have the Imagination Library booth at community events in order to encourage literacy among the youngest Broomfield residents. See PE Dennis Kennedy if you are interested in helping.

Epic Day of Service: On May 17, Rotarians will again help with indoor and outdoor projects at Bal Swan. Contact Redd Upton if you would like to volunteer.




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