Brian Forman discussed Rotary's Public Image
Thursday’s meeting was a Club Assembly, providing members with an opportunity to review the Club’s progress through comprehensive reports from each director. This meeting included updates on ongoing projects, discussions about upcoming service initiatives and fundraisers, and other club business. 
Michael introduced two guests: Bill Thomas and Jay Swoboda. Then, in place of Kymberly Groom, he provided a brief overview of the numerous service projects scheduled for the coming months, emphasizing the need for volunteers. Members were encouraged to check the Club calendar for details.
Michael then started the business part of the meeting with following insights on the Imagination Library:
“Through the power of singular focus and combined effort, Rotary has been able to virtually eliminate polio from the face of the earth by reducing polio cases by 99.9% over the last 40 years. We have a similar opportunity to reduce the amount of illiteracy in Broomfield. Through focus and effort via Imagination Library, we can ensure that all Broomfield kids will have a strong start to their educational journeys.”
PEN, Dennis Kennedy, gave updates on the Imagination Library:  As of this publication we have 577 registered children. We anticipate reaching 1,100 registrations by the end of this fiscal year, with projected expenses around $11,000. Our current expenses are about $5,000 with donations total approximately $8,000. Additionally, we extend our gratitude to Guys Who Give for their substantial donation, the exact amount of which is currently unknown.
John Gilfedder, provided an overview of Rotary’s involvement in youth activities, highlighting programs such as RYLA, High School Leadership Awards, and Interact.
Brian Forman discussed strategies for enhancing our public image, including updates to our website, increased use of social media and blogs. He mentioned leveraging local publications like Broomfield Lifestyle and the Enterprise. He also encouraged members to find ways to connect with local businesses.
PP, David Manley, emphasized the importance of growing our membership. His suggestions included re-engaging members who are currently inactive and focusing on those who have shown interest in joining the club.
In Bill Sheridan’s absence, Michael reminded members that donations to the Rotary Foundation benefit the District, making the club eligible for grants each year. Bill has already submitted the paperwork for this year’s grant funding.
PP, Ben Vagher,  provided an update on our Police and Fire Fund’s golf tournament, reporting a preliminary profit of around $40,000. He also emphasized the need for volunteers for the upcoming bingo fundraisers starting next month.
Greg Strong reviewed the club’s finances, highlighting the need for additional members.
Lauren Robydek, our club secretary, demonstrated how to access the monthly club document on Clubrunner.
Lastly, Jack Castellano reviewed all the upcoming events on the club calendar.
The overarching theme of these reports emphasized Broomfield Rotary’s Number One Priority:
Attract and Engage “People of Action”. 
We have numerous events scheduled in the coming months for which we need everyone’s help.  
Dear Michael, 

Thank you for all you do as a dedicated Rotary Foundation donor. Because of your generous support, we can take action together to improve lives in your community and around the globe. 

Did you know that we have a recurring giving program, Rotary Direct? With Rotary Direct, your gifts are transformed into projects that mobilize Rotary members globally. Last Rotary year, our Foundation awarded 1,285 global grants to address the world's most pressing challenges, including providing clean water, supporting quality education, and improving health, education, and economic resources. For example, this project and more are possible because of donors like you. 

Help us continue making a difference in the world by enrolling in Rotary Direct today. You can select the frequency and cause you'd like to support, and manage your selections at any time. It's a simple and secure way to make a big impact. 

The Rotary Foundation