Jennifer Hoffman


Jennifer Hoffman, Broomfield City & County City Manager
On Thursday, July 11, 2024, Jennifer Hoffman, who has been serving as the City and County Manager since August 2019, addressed our group. She shared insights into the challenges posed by COVID-19, the city council turnover, and the departure of key staff members due to retirements during her tenure. Jennifer also discussed how Broomfield’s finances have evolved since it became a county. Notably, she emphasized that the city’s historical budgeting approach, which has been based on expenses, will need to change. As a result, upcoming city council meetings in the next few weeks will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Broomfield, and these meetings will be of interest to all residents.

Business Reports:

On Thursday, we welcomed Michael Gordon as the new President of the Broomfield Rotary. Then  Bob Hoyle delivered a heartfelt invocation, expressing gratitude for our blessings. Michael then introduced Gary McKee from the Broomfield Crossing Rotary Club. Gary reminded us about their annual peach sale, which funds bulk food packaging donations for Fish. Notably, this marks the third year they’ve received district grants, contributing to their $30,000 annual investment in the bulk food program.  Follow this link to purchase your bundle of peaches this year:   Any questions, please contact Gary McKee at 303.884.3301 or


Next, Ben Vagher gave an update on the Golf tournament.  He asked that all club members keep pushing the sale of tickets in the Golf Ball Drop.  We have only sold about 100 of the 1000 golf balls that are available for this event, so we have a long way to go in a short amount of time.

He also recognized Brian Forman for his efforts in putting together the silent auction for the Golf tournament, check out all of the many items offered.


Finally, he is requesting several volunteers to work among other things, the “Hole in one” competition, “Bubba Hole” competition and the “Putting Competition”.  Contact Kimberly Groom to offer your help.


Jack Castellano, updated us on these upcoming calendar events:


Jul 18, 2024, we will have a regular meeting at the Broadlands golf course

Jul 25, 2024, the meeting is canceled so that members can attend the district 5450 zoom “Coming to the Table - Peace Committee Discussion” 

Aug 8, 2024, Regular meeting at Broadlands with a speaker from the library.

Aug 15, 2024, Regular meeting with a spotlight on the Board members to answer questions from club members.

Aug 26, 2024, Regular meeting with our District Governor, Tamara Fennell.


Next, we heard from Dotti Moyer who reminded us that Gerry Case’s family asked us to make donations to the Broomfield Rotary Foundation in his name.

Imagination Library Volunteers at the

Broomfield Big Play Day.  Saturday, 7/14/2024.