Start with Water
Supplied by Joe Mazzola.
Water risk not imminent: it's here.
The Global Director of Water Stewardship for Coca Cola, speaking at a recent Financial Times sustainability conference held in New York City, issued dire warnings and a call to arms for investors and corporations around the world, as well as governments.
"To enhance investor analysis of corporate water risk and to support corporate action on water stewardship, CERES, the Boston-based coalition of environmental organizations and corporations, developed a go-to water gauge. Backed by investors managing over $2 trillion in assets, the "Aqua Gauge" provides a benchmark for best practice and enables investors to assess, scorecard and compare companies on their management of water risk." Read more...3-H Program in southern Brazil a success!
Eliseu Gonçalves da Silva, Gov. 2008/09 District 4670, South of Brazil shares this 3-H Project which was 6 years in the making (3 years for approval by TRF and 3 years for implementation). The Project started with U$ 306,000 from TRF and District funds and finished with more than U$ 1 million, taking into account all partner investments.
This program is a great example of awareness and education. View program information page one, two, and three.Orphanages in Myanmar get clean water
Myanmar has emerged as one of the world's most compelling news stories in recent months. Everyone is now familiar with the amazing story of Aung San Suu Kyi and her role in bringing Myanmar (also known as Burma) into the 21st century
Under a stern, repressive military government, Rotary ceased to exist in Myanmar in 1977. And yet in true Rotary tradition, Rotarians continued to contribute quietly under the radar screen. Read more..."Indeed... it all starts with water"
...says PDG Patrick Coleman of Zambia. The Water for Education campaign continues with the Rotary Club of Luanshya (Zambia) having just completed a grant in partnership with Rotary Clubs in Virginia for wells and toilets at three rural schools. The club is also in the midst of another project supplying five wells in partnership with the Rotary Club of Prestonwood (Dallas). The clubs in Virginia are following up their last projects with another grant to be submitted on 1 July for five schools. Other Clubs in California, Canada and Australia are also joining in July for a series of projects to provide water at rural schools. So far the Rotary Club of Luanshya has completed over 50 wells in rural communities in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia.UN-Water presents the Key Water Indicator Portal
Known as KWIP, the portal is intended to provide access to the best water data available, in a user-friendly way, and all in one place. Backed by a federated database provided by various UN agencies the portal includes:
- official UN-Water indicators for a selected country;
- simple maps and graphs based on indicators
- up-to-date data
- additional informative layers and general country information
- click through to details and links to reporting agencies.
Adopt-A-School Program 70% funded!
Of the program's 15 schools in Tanzania - 13 are now fully funded, and of the 15 Malawi, 8 are fully funded. That leaves 9 schools still available for "adoption" by Rotary Clubs. Each dollar donated will be matched by $4.26 by our partners, Procter & Gamble, H20 for Life, and Africare, for the provision of clean water, improved sanitation, and hygiene education. If you have funds left from this year's budget, or are starting to plan for next year, now is your chance to get involved! Contact the program manager for more information.
2nd WHO 'GLAAS' Report released
Released in April, the second UN-Water GLAAS report reflects data from 74 developing countries (covering all MDG regions), and from 24 external support agencies, representing about 90% of official development assistance for WASH.
The topic of this year's report is "The challenge of extending and sustaining services." Read More...
World Water Summit V - Lisbon, June 2013
The Fifth World Water Summit will be held on Friday June 21st, immediately prior to the 2013 Rotary International Convention. Location: Lisbon, Portugal.
WWSV will have a strong focus on sanitation and will include interactive breakout sessions and internationally recognized key note speakers.
Save the date! June 21, 2013, Lisbon.
New Projects...
We love hearing about your projects and are delighted to pass on these great opportunities for Rotarians to get involved in WASH projects! When posting your projects, please remember to tell us the name of your Rotary club and District number. New projects posted in June include:
This project will provide 20 safe drinking plants with latest Reverse Osmosis technology and Ultra Violet treatment to poor rural children studying in government run Schools in villages surrounding Tanuku town in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh State in Southern India. Unsafe drinking water in government schools is one of the root causes for most of the health hazards and fatal diseases affecting young children, particularly from the underprivileged sections. Drinking Water is often taken for granted and health risks arise from consumption of water contaminated with infectious agents and toxic chemicals. To learn more and get involved in the Rotary Club of Tanaku's project, go to: Schools Project.
The primary goal of this project is to provide safe and sufficient drinking water to the Jaluke Community of Gaidakot ward no. 1, 2 and 4. The existing water supply pipelines are old and have become damaged in many parts and are unreliable. Hence, there is a need to rehabilitate and expand the system in order to meet an increasing need for safe drinking water. It is expected that this new system will enable the local community to fulfill their increasing demand for water for another 15 years. The proposed project is designed to serve a current population of 9,594 (2010) with expected growth to 14,033 in the design year 2027. The plan is to provide two boreholes, pumps and a 400 thousand liter reservoir tank. Training of deep-boring systems use and maintenance is included. It is estimated that the project will be completed within approximately 11 months of its initiation. Expressions of interest can be registered at: Jaluke Water Project
The Rotary Club of Peninsula Sunrise in Redwood City, California has formed a water project called, which will raise funds each year to purchase SunSpring units for placement in villages in developing countries. SunSprings are self-contained, solar powered ultrafiltration water purification units invented by IWT in Colorado. This year's project will install two units in Huayjakan village in Northern Thailand, a community of 2500 refugee hill tribes. Peninsula Sunrise has partnered with District 3360 in Northern Thailand, and is not seeking RI matching grants. The California club is funding the project's inaugural effort from within and by throwing a large fundraiser in November, 2012. H2OpenDoors is unique because it integrate a local continuation high school into the project, where the Fall curiculum will have elements of the project woven throughout. Two of the best student performers will accompany the Rotary installation team to Thailand in February of 2013. More information can be found at or by contacting Jon Kaufman