Presentation To Broomfield High's Super Kids
Thank you Principal Ramsey for this opportunity to address the Super Kids and their families.
As mentioned, I am the President of the Broomfield Rotary Club, which is chartered by Rotary International.
Rotary is a service organization whose mission is reflected in its motto "Service Above Self". Rotary is also an advocate of personal integrity and accordingly asks each member to apply the Rotary 4-Way Test in all business and personal undertakings. The 4-Way test is as follows:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and improve friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
I have found that this simple test, when properly applied, will help make you a much better person.
On behalf of the Broomfield Rotary, I want to congratulate each of you for earning the Super Kid Award. You would not be here if you have not excelled in some special way.
Supporting youth programs such as this is a very important part of Rotary's commitment to this community. We also provide support to a number of youth organizations such as boy scouts and girl scouts, but today I want to talk about some special programs we are implementing here at the high school.
First is our Student of the Month Program which will begin with an October selection. Each month a committee chosen from the Broomfield Faculty along with a representative from the Rotary Club will select a student of the month. The criteria for selection will be similar to that used in selecting a Super Kid. The student of the month will have his or her name inscribed on a plaque that will be displayed on the "Wall of Fame" here at the high school. The Selected Student and his family will be invited to a Broomfield Rotary meeting where he or she will be presented with the Student of the Month Certificate of Achievement and a $100 gift certificate. But the best part about being a student of the month is that the selected student is then eligible for the Student of the Year, the winner of which will receive a $1000 scholarship.
Another program we are in the process of establishing at Broomfield High is a Rotary Interact Club. Interact is a service and social club for ages 14 to 18. The Club will be sponsored by Broomfield Rotary and chartered by Rotary International. Interact, like any other Rotary Club, will be self governing and self supporting, offering opportunities to develop leadership and teamwork skills. Over the next several weeks you will be hearing lots more about Interact and given an opportunity to join.
And finally I want to mention the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program (RYLA). Each year the two Broomfield Rotary Clubs sponsors 6 to 8 students from the area high schools to attend a 5 day RYLA camp at