Our El Salvadore Water Project
If you are a little girl in some parts of the world, you are destined to spend much of your life carrying water......unless Engineers without Borders and Rotary steps in to help!
As you may be aware, Broomfield Rotary has partnered with the Ft. Collins Rotary club and CSU's Engineers without Borders to help a small village in El Salvadore to develop clean, safe, readily available water. Without our assistance, little girls like the one in the photo will grow up spending much of their lives carrying daily water from great distances. Rather than spend time in school, their lives will be dedicated to providing only the basic necessities.
I encourage you to click on the following web site to learn about the impact our club is making in one small village in El Salvadore. Our help is instrumental in changing the health and the quality of life of many.  Clicking on the following link will take you to CSU 's Engineers without Borders web site where you will find a brief report and a 10 minute video.  Our financial help is going a long way in this remote part of the world. Thank your Broomfield Rotary!