Broomfield Rotary Summary of Charity Giving for 2012
On December 31, 2012 the Broomfield Rotary club and the Broomfield Rotary Charitable Foundation had approved and distributed a total of $85,524.46 through 38 grants, and Club requests to Broomfield local charities, community programs, and collaborative programs with area Rotary area clubs, and contributed to a joint Rotary International/ Bill Gates Foundation program to eradication Polio world wide. Through the Rotary International matching grants process, the Broomfield Rotary Charitable Foundation made contributions to Educational Teacher training for schools in Brazil and clean water/ Sanitations projects in the Dominican Republic.
Among the grants awarded to local Broomfield charities and surrounding communities were for C. A. S. A. of Adams and Broomfield Counties, Family Tree, Children’s Hospital, Broomfield Senior Center, Kohl School playground rework for handicapped children, Flatirons Habitat for Humanity, Bal Swan school, Emerald School Academic reward, “FIRED UP” program, Santa Cops program, Broomfield Veterans Museum, Relay for Life, F.I.S.H., North Metro Fire District community child car seats program, Police officers families who were lost in the line of duty in Lakewood and Englewood Colorado, People to People, Contribution to the Sandy Hurricane disaster victims by way of New York and New Jersey Rotary Clubs, the Colorado High Park fire fighters fund , Broomfield Depot Museum, Broomfield Jump Start Math and Literacy programs, Broomfield Elementary schools dictionary program, Healthy Learning Path’s school nutritional programs, Broomfield Cemetery Committee, Wreaths Across America for all American veterans who ever served in the military, a joint Parker Rotary Club project to renovate a very needed Denver Indian school playground, Aurora shooting victims contribution, Loveland Fire Contribution, both in cooperation with their respective Rotary clubs. In addition FRIENDS of Broomfield, Boulder Mental Health Partners, and Young Life were three service organizations selected for their outstanding contribution to the community and were awarded funds through Broomfield Rotary’s annual “Honor our Heroes” program.
The monies awarded to the benefactors’ listed above are made available through the generous support of Broomfield community members and business who take part in the Broomfield Rotary’s annual fund raising projects. In addition many of the Rotary members contribute directly to the Broomfield Rotary Charitable Foundation by purchasing Broomfield Rotary Club script and working at the Club’s sponsored weekly Sunday Bingo games, and further more work and support the fund raising events held through the year.
THANK to ALL for making Broomfield Rotary SERVICE possible.