President Michael and Sylas Boyle, Cubmaster of Pack 545
Our Speaker, Sylas Boyle, the Cubmaster of Pack 545, shared his story about his roots in Colorado and how he got involved in Boy Scouts. He described his love for the outdoors and his goal to hike every 14er in Colorado. Sylas also talked about his family, including his three young boys and his wife, who is a Scout troop den leader.
Sylas provided an update on the pack's activities. With 100 members, Pack 545 has remained strong post-COVID, thanks to dedicated leadership and community support. Recent events include a Pinewood Derby, a visit to an American Ninja Warrior gym, and a pancake breakfast fundraiser that raised over $1,000 - money that the Pack donated back to our Rotary Club! Additionally, the pack collected over 600 pounds of food for Broomfield Fish in November.
Sylas highlighted the importance of family involvement and the positive impact of Scouting on children's development. He also mentioned the inclusion of girls in Scouting and the challenges of managing a large pack.
We were delighted to hear from Sylas last night because Pack 545 is chartered by the Rotary Club of Broomfield, and we have been actively involved with and supportive of their activities. You can learn more about the inspiring work of Pack 545 by listening to Silas's full presentation. Click Here.