Broomfield Director of Parks, Recreation, and Senior Services
"My name is Clay Shuck and I am currently the Director of Parks, Recreation, Senior Services and the Office of Emergency Management for the City and County of Broomfield. I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Management, a Master in Public Administration, and hold a Certified Public Manager certificate.
I was born and raised in Colorado. Growing up in Colorado Springs, Aurora, Grand Junction, and then back to Colorado Springs. I have 38 years of experience in the field of Parks and Recreation. My professional career started in 1987 with the City of Colorado Springs, then to South Suburban Parks and Recreation District in 2010, and here in Broomfield starting in 2016.
I have two adult sons, an amazing wife, dog, a puppy cat, and a real cat.
I have served on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Parks and Recreation Association for the past 5 years, and I am currently in the role of the President."